New signs and focus on child pedestrian safety
Road Safety Kyrgyzstan and EASST are making school journeys safer through better road safety enforcement, infrastructure and education. With Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan, Road Safety Kyrgyzstan oversaw the installation of high-viz pedestrian crossing signs in the Sverdlovsk and Leninsky regions of the city. The new signs with reflective edges will enable drivers to see a pedestrian crossing, and slow down to allow people to cross safely. With support from the UK Embassy, EASST has been working with the Bishkek Police to identify locations where children have been seriously injured in road crashes through effective data analysis, and with support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have been training engineering students to design safer roads with a focus on vulnerable road users. New, safer crossings will be constructed at the most dangerous intersections.
In 2019, Road Safety Kyrgyzstan also delivered a multi-faceted campaign to support safe and sustainable roads in Bishkek and to improve road safety for all road users. This included promoting the use of seat belts and child car seats, and raising awareness on the importance of visibility at night. The results of the campaign saw an increase in the number of drivers and front passengers choosing a safe ride by buckling up, and a significant increase (160% from the baseline) in the use of seat belts in the back seat.
Click on the links below to read more about road safety projects in Kyrgyzstan:
The EASST Road Safety Education Pack